Eikon’s Environmental Takeaways.
Removing ‘Dirty Dirt’: Common Pitfalls to Know and Avoid.
[7-minute read]
Our last blog discussed why ‘dirty dirt’ became a red flag to the NJDEP. This article focuses on how to determine if your soil is ‘dirty’, how to protect yourself, and how to properly remove suspect soil from your property.
The Dirt on ‘Dirty Dirt’: A Primer.
[9-minute read]
The NJDEP's latest regulatory hot button is ‘Dirty Dirt’; learn how this issue became front and center from a regulatory perspective.
Wanted: Speakers & Panel Members for Seminars & Webinars.
[2-minute read]
We are looking for professional speakers and panel members to join us in presenting complimentary environmental webinars and seminars.
Environmental Data: It’s Rarely Your Friend.
[13-minute read]
A common misconception when making informed decisions is…the more data the better. But, that maxim doesn't always hold true in the environmental field.
PFAS Update — Now Coming to Your Tap.
Every few years there is a new hot-button topic in the environmental field; in today's regulatory world, it is PFAS; murky contaminents hiding in your water.
Taking a First-Blush Look at Flood Risk.
Potential environmental red-flags relating to real estate transactions commonly include natural impacts, such as wetland and flood hazard risks.